Devoted to Providing Quality Service
Empowering sustainable food systems, reducing hunger, and promoting economic growth through innovative infrastructure solutions.
Discover the Good Atmosphere of Agriculture
Neque elit, rutrum in laoreet nec eget scelerisque volutpat sit. Bibendum tincidunt a scelerisque consectetur ultrices elementum pulvinar non. Leo ut id vel nec nisi odio nisi. Auctor egestas nibh augue enim, ornare blandit. Purus augue sagittis, risus phasellus egestas ipsum.
Grain Storage
In total 650m² of hand-crafted decor, mix of styles and colors.
Small Holder Farmers
Take refuge in our exclusive haven of greenery and away from
the crowds. Live music and performances every Friday night!
Our Vision
To help feed a hungry planet. “Empowering sustainable food systems, reducing hunger, and promoting economic growth through innovative infrastructure solutions.”
Who We Are
Our Mission
After more than 35 years of commercial activities in the agri-food sector, Amer-Con recognizes the great need for emerging markets worldwide to achieve food security. We believe in this goal and have made this initiative a major component of our core business
AMER-CON Corporation is a diverse trading company with proven experience in almost every continent around the globe, with customers of all types-including governmental entities and private enterprises.
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